Kipling Leisure Services
Kipling Leisure Services Manager: Austin Vargo
Box 544, Kipling, SK, S0G 2S0
Kipling Professional Building, 207 6th Avenue
Tel: 306 736 8440
Fax: 306 736 8448
There are tons of recreational opportunities in Kipling, for all ages!
Winter activities include: Kipling Minor Hockey (all age categories); KW Oil Kings (Men’s Senior Hockey Team); 3 Men’s Recreational Hockey teams; Kipling Skating Club (Learn To Skate Program); Kipling Curling Club’s weekly curling opportunities, along with weekend bonspiels; Youth Curling Program (grades 1-3 and 4-6); FitKids Active After School Program; Artrageous After School Art Program; Chair Yoga For Seniors; Older Adult Fitness Classes (Tuesdays); Jr. NBA Program; and Club Volleyball (15U and 16U Female teams).
Spring activities include: Youth Soccer Program (all age categories); Youth Softball and Baseball programs; Senior Men’s Baseball team.
Summer offers many aquatic opportunities at the Kipling Swimming Pool: Red Cross Swimming Lessons; daily lane swim; daily public swimming; daily aquafit, Mondays thru Fridays. Camping and Golf are also available, adjacent to the Kipling Swimming Pool. Kipling Leisure Services also offers Fun In The Sun, a children’s activities program, Monday-Friday all summer long!
Tennis, Pickleball, and Basketball can be enjoyed in Bell Park, along with playground equipment. Disc Golf is available at the course on 4th Street, beginning at the Kipling Museum.
Kipling’s Walking Trail can be found along the south edge of Kipling, with entrances at the Kipling Museum and Mary Balogh Place.
For details on these activities and organizations, please contact the Leisure Services Manager.
Click here for Active After School Programming FitKids Waiver Form
Click here for the Photo Release
We also have an active Arts Council who bring in performers 4 times a year, a Library and a Museum.