Rural Municipality of Kingsley #124 - Cemeteries

The R.M. of Kingsley # 124 has 9 cemeteries R.M. of Kingsley # 124 Cemetery List which are in various locations in the R.M. Map .

The following are the contacts for some of these cemeteries. For more information please contact the R.M. of Kingsley #124 office on (306) 736-2272.

Edenland  Landsdowne - Terry Ovans (306) 736-2624
Highland Cemetery - Wayne Johanson (306) 736-8305
Poplar Grove - Muriel Parker (306) 696-2880
St Anne's Catholic Cemetery - Roger DeDecker (306) 736-8200
Town of Kipling Cemetery - (306) 736-2515 Kipling Town Cemetery